Thursday, April 2, 2015

Questioning the Legitimacy of Business Deals In Town

The talk of the town is the Redevelopment Project that has been ongoing. While some are supportive of the project, others have their doubts, saying the project would increase taxes, displace residents, and cause more congestion in that area.

This blog intends to look into the business deals happening in our town. Are the business transactions legitimate? One way to figure out if any favoritism in our town has existed is looking at publicly available campaign finance disclosures in order to have a clear understanding of how money influences politics. Should we be concerned with any pay-to-play activity? This transparency is only valuable when the public actually looks at the contributions and determines for itself whether there is any "pay-to-play" dealings or outside influences at work here.

It’s like a puzzle, putting all of these pieces together. This blog hopes to uncover some of these questions over the next few days. Stay tuned.

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